12 Things I Learned in Japan
Things I learned from our trip to Japan
1. Japanese sushi is not the same as the sushi we have here in the States. Their sushi is different pieces of raw fish over a piece of rice. I went to Japan looking for the spicy tuna roll, California roll, and some wrapped in cucumber. Nope, nada….. that is American sushi! Some how America has a way of making healthy things not so healthy! Haha!

2. They do not know what hibachi is. That is American also.
3. Tipping is not expected. There is no space on a receipt to actually add a tip, and it is actually seen as rude.
4. When trying on clothes they ask you to wear a cloth over your head to keep makeup from getting on their clothes….genius!!!!!
5. No one talks and walks on a cell phone. Their are so many people on streets walking since it is a big city, and you rarely see anyone talking or texting while they walk.
6. The Japanese wear the surgical face mask if the are feeling sick or have a cold to not spread germs.
7. It is extremely hard to find a garbage can on the streets, it is custom to bring your trash home with you. Our tour guide said they carry bags with them to take their trash home. It Keeps the streets clean and she said it also prevents people from hiding a bomb in a trash can.
8. They drive on the opposite side of the car and street. There are also dividers on the sidewalk for you to walk on the left side.
9. Jet lag is no joke coming from Tokyo. A 16 hour difference in time zone will mess your sleep up. We were out of sorts for a week and a half!
10. The Japanese take toilet time VERY seriously! The heated seats were the BOMB! Not a day goes by that I don’t miss that heated toilet seat! Then there is the spray option, bidet, deodorizer….. oh man they are serious when it comes to using the bathroom!
11. It is completely acceptable for grown women to dress like little girls. They are totally into hello kitty. There is a street called Takeshita Street and it is all shops of Hello Kitty, frilly Lacey socks and very girly attire, cotton candy and crepes as far as the eye can see.
12. There are tons of flavors of kit Kat. Matcha, sake’ , creme brûlée, cantaloupe, wasabi, and much more. We bought them all. Lol.

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